Friday, August 30, 2013

Der ganz große Traum

Alright so this is the movie I saw when I visited Germany in 2011. I almost didn't go because I was expecting to leave Munich that day, but got delayed so I figured I'd hit up a film.

This movie is super cute and even though I couldn't really understand the dialogue, I knew what was going on. It reminds me a bit of Dead Poets Society with that whole 'Teacher comes in, inspires students, gets in trouble but wins in the end' trope. It still worked though, mostly because Daniel Brühl is just a terrific actor and the supporting cast was great. There was this one little boy who reminded me so much of a little Robert Sheehan; he was adorable!

This is the true story of Konrad Koch, who brought football to Germany. I am not terribly familiar with his story so I'm not sure how much of the film is fact and how much is fiction, but it's still a good story. Having spent some time in England and fallen in love with football, Koch decides to introduce it to the boys at the school he's teaching at. Of course the more conservative adults don't want anything to do with this and do what they can to keep his plan from being successful. Considering how popular football is in Germany, I'm sure you can guess how it ends, but like I said it's very cute and the costumes make for good clothing porn. Plus Daniel Brühl looks like a work of art.

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